03/11/2012 wayne galpin Grandpa the family is doing great, thinking of mario lanza tonight and thinking of you. I love you grandpa, be down to see u soon. to: Robert Becker
11/11/2008 Daniel Adams
May our Father recieve you in his arms, dear father, soldier, and provider. Your duty is done, May you rest in peace, Love you Bob
10/30/2008 Aubree Becker
Love you gramps. hope we can catch up over coffee when its my time to come be with you. Does that sound good!? i miss you!
10/28/2008 Ricky Schol
You will be greatly missed. We will always love you
10/28/2008 pete and judi galietta
May your hearts soon be filled with wonderful memories of joyful times together as you celebrate a life well-lived.
10/28/2008 Tara Presley
Uncle Bob... I will miss you greatly, you are in heaven now, and you are not suffering anymore..I love you...Tara